About Us
The company was born in 2015 founded by Marcio Busani. With extensive experience in the Offshore and Thermal Machines business, over 30 years of accumulated expertise. With the mission of offering energy solutions, Thermo Solutions became known for its refined technical vision, precision and speed in operations and performances together with the main world dealers, guaranteeing quality.

Marcio Busani
Solutions inENERGY
We supply natural gas, biogas and diesel engines and generators, as well as compressors and spare parts. We also provide services for installation, commissioning, maintenance, studies and projects for energy generation, among others.

Thermo Solutions works with the main and most qualified suppliers in the world market, guaranteeing the quality of their products in addition to offering technical assistance. _cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_It has complete operational infrastructure and a team dedicated to meeting the needs of its customers in a clear, transparent and effective way.

With a structured and agile team, we offer a personalized and prompt service, where clarity of information, just-in-time and after-sales feedback are differentials._cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_
Our technical professionals are certified and have extensive experience in the assembly and maintenance of CATERPILLAR, CUMMINS, MAN STX, Wartsila, Daihatsu, Yanmar, Merck, GM and MTU engines.
We have a unit in Rio de Janeiro with a total area of 50,000m2, which has the industrial infrastructure and capacity to carry out various types of maintenance, recovery of engines, radiators, pumps, valves and machining in general.

Av. of the Americas, 500
BL 16B, SL 205
Barra da Tijuca -RJ
+55 21 3030-1491